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Two missing, 14 hurt after enormous gas blast in Kansas City

Two missing, 14 hurt after enormous gas blast in Kansas CityAt least 14 people were injured and two others were missing after a fire triggered by a natural gas explosion Tuesday in an upscale business and shopping district of Kansas City, Mo., authorities said.



ID theft on the rise again: 12.6 million victims in 2012, study shows

Twitter Some 12.6 million Americans were victimized by ID theft in 2012, the second-highest total since the Federal Trade Commission began counting victims in 2003 and roughly 1 million more than 2011, according to the survey by Javelin Strategy and Research. The record – 13.9 million victims – was set in 2009....


Florida lawmakers apologizing to Canada for road rage

Florida lawmakers apologizing to Canada for road rageThe Canadian Automobile Association is warning their members to take special precautions when traveling internationally — to Florida.



Gen. Allen to retire, not taking NATO nomination

Gen. Allen to retire, not taking NATO nominationGeneral John Allen said Tuesday he has decided to retire for "personal" reasons, leaving behind his nomination as the NATO supreme allied commander.



'Financial emergency': Economic review finds Detroit unable to fix budget woes

'Financial emergency': Economic review finds Detroit unable to fix budget woes An economic review team painted a bleak picture of Detroit's economic outlook on Tuesday, unveiling a report that declared the city is in "a financial emergency" that it is unable to fix....