FYI Ashland

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Keep the traditions, but ditch the worn-out décor

The holiday countdown is on and it's time to get your house razzle-dazzle ready. But before you do, make sure to check that your lights and decorations are still in good working order after a year in storage. Not only can old decor look worn out, but it also can put you and your family at risk -- which is the last thing anyone wants at this joyous time of year.


Eco-friendly winter survival tips

The winter season is right around the corner, soon to usher in cold temperatures, snow and ice for many people across the country. There are plenty of people who revel in the idea of frolicking over snow-capped hills or skating on a frozen pond, but many others hope winter passss them by rather quickly.


Dinner party prep How to ready your home for dinner guests

Hosting a dinner party is about more than just preparing food for guests. One of the more demanding tasks when inviting others over is preparing the home for the special guests, whether those guests are friends, family members or professional colleagues.
Dinner parties can be large or small affairs, but the size of the guest list should have no impact on the work that needs to be done getting the house ready to host. Dinner party hosts who want their next event to go off without a hitch can consider the following advice.


Electrical safety tips for holiday decorating

Everyone has at least one -- the house on the street that lights up in splendor around the holiday season. Decorations are in abundance both indoors and out, and just seeing the house brings on a smile. But as beautiful as it might be, that home may also be a safety risk if the decorator hasn't followed precautions like these offered by CSA Group:


Bake Cookies Like a Pro

Few things are more delicious than a plate of warm cookies with a glass of milk. The holiday season is a prime time of year to make fresh-baked cookies to share and enjoy. Ensuring these cookies come out the best they can takes a little work and know-how.

Here are 10 tips for cookie-baking success.