FYI Ashland

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The best (and worst) foods for heart health

No one wants to hear from their doctors that they have joined the millions of people across the globe to be diagnosed with heart disease. The Heart Foundation reports that heart disease, which includes diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system and stroke, is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States, affecting both men and women and most racial/ethnic groups. Heart disease also is one of the leading causes of death in Canada, claiming more than 33,000 lives per year.


Dress for Success How Men Should Dress on Their Next Job Interview

Today's job market is more competitive than ever before. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate continued to hover around 9 percent through the early months of 2011.


Tips for managing and preventing stress

For many adults, stress is an ever-present part of life. Though statistics on stress can be easily manipulated, it's safe to assume many men and women experience significant stress, especially when the economy is struggling, as it has been over the last several years.


Dental care can help prevent periodontal disease

Kids often lament daily dental care. Mom and Dad might insist kids brush their teeth each morning and before bed, but that doesn't mean kids enjoy these daily dental rituals.

While it's notoriously difficult to get kids to take dental care seriously, many adults also approach dental care with something less than an enthusiastic


A new year marks a great time to reassess your career

The dawn of a new year is a great time to take stock of several things in your life, including your career. The spirit of rejuvenation that characterizes a new calendar year makes this an ideal time to examine your job, where it's going and